Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Often times you'll have to pry yourself away from your small little window to see the bigger picture and other times you just don't want to know.

Its day 8 of working in the 'field'.

As expected, its lots of fun and it changes day but... I'm tired. and The news scene isn't one that is free, in a sense.

Still 4 stories up so far so I'm not doing that bad but no byline yet.

I ran into Kwong Han Huei yesterday. A fammiliar face is nice once in a while. He seems to be doing well. In fact he's gotten his byline already.

Oh well, I'll perservere.


vic said...

byline up and coming! you can do it! ;)
it's draining but at least it's something you love, ne? ^^

Hafutota no JE said...

haha, gambaru bro, least u seem to be having fun. look me up if you're around my vicinity.
