Sunday, March 16, 2008

One of the little wonders.

Its been a busy two weeks. I haven't had the chance to upload pictures let alone blog. I got tagged by eileen so I would have to do this. I don't usually do all these things but i really have no photos to blog with.

So here it goes...

1. When you look into the mirror…
It cracks

2. When did you last saw someone picking their nose?
When I looked into the mirror? LOL

3. What are you doing now?
Actually replying this nonsensical meme as I have nothing to do at work right now.

4. What would be the best birthday present?
Anything from people I love would be good... I guess the present really doesn't matter. It the person i receive it from.

6. Who annoyed you recently?
Hmmm I shall not name names as I want to keep the peace. Just note that Two-faced people disgust me. It worst if they have a tendency to back stab.

7. Where did you meet your loved one? If you have yet to find, where do you plan to meet him/her?
In the hall way of my university. Yeah I know lame right? I can't go like we bumped into each other while we were busy looking at the stars and we suddenly fell in love *cheese cheese cheese*. I live in reality unfortunately.

8. How will you use this meme for the benefit of mankind?
I shall benefit mankind by not tagging anyone and subjecting them to such torture. LOL


Esee said...

eh yes la you met your loved one when you were looking at the stars..both of you were looking at me right?


don't gag please.

Ithildin Galad said...

heys i got a meme too!

whoo hoo?

and oi oi, the mirror SHATTERED ok, not cracked.