Saturday, March 22, 2008
But for me, I never want to work late if not paid well.
There has been talks of boicotting the Malaysian newspapers circulating through SMSs and e-mails because of unfair media coverage which usually favors the ruling party.
Well being a citizen alone I would so agree with that statement and would be one of the first to do so.
But a note to consider* - My arrogant and ignorant uncle says that he hasn't been reading the news papers for 6 months and instead comes over and sells my gullible mother rumors which validity is really unknown (My uncle's a tall tale kinda person, acts like he knows alot but really, knows squat). And my mom would buy it (my disliking for my Mom's choices are another thing altogether).
So where are you gonna get your news?
The internet? Malaysiakini perhaps. A site, though giving Malaysians an alternative to news, is lop-sided towards the opposition and hell bent to goventment bashing in the way they write. We'll thats just my opinion. Maybe support the online versions of The Star, NST and the Sun? Give them a chance to start charging for it? Or just be as ignorant as my 'uncle'.
Now I'm speaking as a person who has been in the media scene.
People do not realize that The Star has been closed down for persuing investigative journalism and uncovering more than it should have. So fear to cross that line is still there. People are still trying to make a living. And the rest of the news publications are just learning from that mistake. Not to mention the political ties of newspaper companies and the segment parties of the ruling coalition.
That what these people sending out those SMSs and e-mails don't understand. This not so free press is the doing of the ISA and OSA the PPPA all those As. Reporters are humans, with bills to pay, families to provide for, loans to pay for and etc. So get of you high horses and start bringing down the ISA, OSA and PPPA if you want a balanced press not boicot the newspapers.
Its been a bad month for me. Within this month I've had financial, relationship, family and personal problems.
My GF's phone was snatched earlier this month and recently had a boo-boo on the road. Had me worried sick. Had quarrels too.
My income is not lving to the out put. I spend RM100 on petrol alone every week. Four weeks in a month makes the grand total RM400. My income is a measly 300 smacks. Tough.
Ah family problems. Mother dearest is at it again. in 1999 she shifted to Subang with out consulting me at least. And I had to live the the consequence. In 2004 I shifted to USJ 3 just because of feng shui talk between my cocker uncle and my mom buying all the, to me, hogwash. And again, the person who had to uproot everything and do heavy lifting, reschdule all activities be acuse of the heavy lifting is the father and the kids, naming ly the son, because he has teh muscles. And lets make it a third one. This year she said lets renovate. After hearing what the neighbours had said while comparing houses, she decided she didn't want to lose out. And after many sleepless nights, now I have to lift stuff, endure my mom's poor decisions and bad timing and all the holier than thou rantings.
My mom is like the BN govenment. More often then not, it doesn't deliver. Yeah, yeah, be grateful you wretch. I can almost hear some of the 'people' say. Well its not a sin to disagree you bunch of holy bags.
M and my man bro have been having problems of late. Again I feel their pain. Gossip mongers putting unneeded pressure on. I'm really angered by those douche bags.
Ahh but there is good news. No one got killed and everyone is strengthened because of it. The month seems to be smoothing out. I've learned and become a better person. More understanding too I hope.
Thanks to people who I least expected for supporting me.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Its been a busy two weeks. I haven't had the chance to upload pictures let alone blog. I got tagged by eileen so I would have to do this. I don't usually do all these things but i really have no photos to blog with.
So here it goes...
1. When you look into the mirror…
It cracks
2. When did you last saw someone picking their nose?
When I looked into the mirror? LOL
3. What are you doing now?
Actually replying this nonsensical meme as I have nothing to do at work right now.
4. What would be the best birthday present?
Anything from people I love would be good... I guess the present really doesn't matter. It the person i receive it from.
6. Who annoyed you recently?
Hmmm I shall not name names as I want to keep the peace. Just note that Two-faced people disgust me. It worst if they have a tendency to back stab.
7. Where did you meet your loved one? If you have yet to find, where do you plan to meet him/her?
In the hall way of my university. Yeah I know lame right? I can't go like we bumped into each other while we were busy looking at the stars and we suddenly fell in love *cheese cheese cheese*. I live in reality unfortunately.
8. How will you use this meme for the benefit of mankind?
I shall benefit mankind by not tagging anyone and subjecting them to such torture. LOL
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The opposition has finally denied Barisan National 2/3 majority. As of today Kedah, Perak, Pulau Pinang and Selangor joins Kelantan, being ruled by opposition parties.
This interesting turn of events will give a chance to PKR and DAP to prove their worth. Quite frankly, being Chinese. I place no trust in PAS.
The people have spoken. Lets see how the opposition does. Lets see whether the corruption level goes down. BN need to change.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
(I've had enough of the unfair advantage and low tactics deployed by BN.)
Ask yourself what do you really want?
There are those overseas who still believe that Malaysia is a jungle country. I don't blame them. We have Datuk Zainudin Maidin, the Minister of 'Information' who stuttered so badly when being interviewed by Al-Jazeera that he made Jin look like an amature rapper. Not to mention he contradicted himself so many times when talking about democracy. Let this be known people, the democracy in Malaysia is like the Sultan.
Then we have our sleeping Prime Minister. Nuff said.
This 8th of March what are you voting for?
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Gundam models on display in a room. If only I could break in... to take better close up. LOL
This is Chelle and the band Pg 168. These guys were tight. All the best persuing stardom.
Ok so at this point we were already bored. So we decided to cruise the town is search of food. Forget the historical sites, show me the food! Though because of the time constraint and because we were without a guide, we only went to a few places.
This place was awesome. The third place in my list of the best curry mee around. It only loses out to the one in Kajang and Sarawak.
The noodles only costs RM2.50 for a small bowl and 3.50 for a big one. I felt that it was really a good price. And we found it while walking down the street looking for a place to eat coz we couldn't decide what to have for breakfast.
And next...
The girls absolutely loved this part of the trip. I have to say, I was impressed with what some of these shops had to offer. A gun shaped lastik for rm5, a kendo stick for RM10 and a wooden replica od a katana. They even sold a bunch of really interesting souverneirs for a real low price... Well considering.
Then came lunch....
Then for desert...
We stopped by the cafe next door called Nadeje Cafe. Now this cafe was a classier establishment from the rest and it served a very interesting sorta dessert. Alcoholic cocktails are also cheaper here.
Don't be fooled by the tea and soda. This baby had alcohol. A good dose of it. Not enough to knock a drinker like me out but it tasted good.
Now on to the desserts...
Its basically layers upon layers of crepe with cream seperating the layers. Tastes so good! To bad I haven't found any restauraunt of the same kind in KL. Can't compare.
Well I have to get a better camera. The Nikon Coolpix L3 seems to blur out the picture with the slightest movement. Loads of other photos were ruined.
We went for Cendol and some onde-onde after that. The Cendol was so-so but the onde-onde was scrumptous. The gula Melaka melts in your mouth. After that we went to get the ever commercialized chicken rice balls for dinner to go. Wanted to go for the Hainan chicken rice mentioned by Sean but I wasn't sure which stall it was and so I didn't want to risk it. Plus It was getting late.
It rained cats and dogs as well. LOL.
Well thats all folks. Ja-ne.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Let me just highlight the one thing that might have been a frowner last Sunday, some idiot stole my baby's phone at the MIDVALLEY KTM station. This shall be know as the 'incident'.
Well lets begin.
It was the weekend I was looking forward to the whole of last month. Celebrating the birthdays of 3 very important people to me outside my family.
The aspiring artist, and future writer
3. Pauline "WHALE" Wong The only person I can say I enjoy verbally abusing (She fights back mind you) and our resident goblok.
Well as you can see, I'm broke this month so you can write all your donation cheques to 'The Save a Resident Retard' foundation. All donations are highly appreciated.
We ate at Chilli's Midvalley for Pauline and Jee's celebration.
Goodness, the portions are huge. I have to say that after the main course I was stuffed and could hardly eat anymore but some how I downed dessert, I'm so proud! Everything was well worth the money. I have to say that I was happy after that. Here's what we had.
This was what my baby had. I forgot the name. I will edit it in. She had such a hard time finishing it.
This is what Whales had. Lamb Shoulder Steak - Med Rare. So tender and juicy! The tastes was so good. The mash potatoes were some of the best I ever had. The fries were good too.
Well we got dessert on the house cause it was their birthday. Well they didn't want the staff to come out and sing to them, they said it was embarassing. I had other plans.
I went of to tell a member of the staff to set a little somthing up to surprise them. It was spoilled when a waitress came to confirm the order with me infront of them. But it was good nonetheless.
After that the girls went off to do what they do best. Shopping. The guys went to the arcade where, I let the Birthday Boy win (I'm denying that I suck so badly at arcade games LOL). Well we then called it a day after baby bought a pair of killer heels. 4-inches I think.
Ok The KTM was late again! So of course the people piled up quite badly. Two guys of of them were not actually there to get on the train. Thats when the 'Incident' happened. The rush of people was so bad that I couldn't get out of the train to give chase to those idiots. Damn junkies. Be aware of a tall gay looking Malay man wearing a sholl and metallic pink nike's together with a short dweeb, also malay, with a hunched back.
Luckily, baby kept her composure and immediately barred her phone. It was quite impossible to trace the phone so that was the least she could do, so that she'll get back both her number and credit.
Still the day continues and we refused to let the the incident put us down on such a good day.
Next was Iain's surprise party. A 20 year old celebrating his birthday at A&W. LOL. Funny ain't it? He actually has loads of younger siblings (by young I mean YOUNG). Well the surprise didn't really work coz it was spoiled when he spotted the lot of them at the restauraunt. Though he did get a surprise later, when we dunked him into the pool, with me dealing the final push (What are best buds for bro!). After that I sent a few people home and then spent some time with baby before going home.
Here's to the silver lining being the larger portion of the day.
Happy birthday guys! Cheers.