Sunday, April 01, 2007

Life as I've come to understand it has changed.

A whole new outlook on life was revealed to me over the weekend. At times (most of the time) I tend to take things too seriously. The more I look back the more I see that its true. I am a cirlcle dude. People who are circles (70% of asians) are obssesive. This was revealed to me by a short and funny Singaporean. The irony of that fact is hilarious.

I'm also not the most trusting person (well I was never that trusting) but some how now that I reflect on it, it becomes clearer to me why. The causes has been identified but because I can't change the cause, I'll have to change the way i perceive the cause.

Its amazing that how you perceive something can change your outlook on life.

Now the outlook on life might have changed but to implement these changes, it'll takes some time but I'll get there.

Lets not take life to seriously~

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