Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life is no longer as simple as it used to be.

I seem to be a little more stressed out every day and some of my uni-mates aren't helping. One or two of them acting like stuck up - Well you get the picture. And these are the people I have to work with for the rest of the year. People are entitled to their opinons.

High school. The carefree days. My high school life was just 2 things, Basketball and studying. Never have I felt any kind of stress those days. Now, the traffic jam causes stress, the food prices causes stress, the subject causes stress, the public transport causes stress and the people causes stress. Practically everything drives me up the wall. Huff.. Ok now that thats off my chest..... On to better things.

Beef Noodles! Hing Loong Noodle House! SS21! you have to eat there. The soup is so kaw(Rich)!
One of the best I've tasted so far, but then again, I've never tasted Seremban Beef Noodles. So when are we going down to seremban people?

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