Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Its obvious that life, more often than not is in fact, unpredictable and subjected to many changes. My life has been plagued by changes, some good, some bad, all eye-opening.

It becomes clear to me that the human heart is fickle and prone to disappoint. But it is also strong, loving, and even in some even dependable. This might be the reason that humans are often said to be an enigma. Literature titles that involves a deep understanding of the human heart and mind often times leave you with more questions than answers. Don't understand what I'm talking about? Look up any of Shakespeare's work and work form there.

The heart can cause you to excel againts the worst possible odds, to crumble under the slightest pressure. To make you a loyal friend and then call you for the backstabber you are. To make something so wrong feel so right, ther heart makes a forbidden fruit so enticing. The power of the human heart is great.

If its so powerful, why is it so prone to breaking?

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