Saturday, September 20, 2008

OVER!! Exams are OVER! And I am officially overkill. BEC probably killed me. Too early to tell but I may well be sitting for my first ever supplementary paper ate the beginning of my third year.

Well, I got to start somewhere. But hey lets not kill chickens before they even hatch.

At the end of the exams, looking back in retrospective, this has to be the most challenging semester without question.

I mean in term of hard the subjects are.. Well geez, it has to be challenging if you have a lecturer that is perpetually having a menstrual cycle on overdrive, another that comes into class and talks about his wife, kids and 102 girlfriends, and my personal favorite, the lecturer that teaches us by having us listen to student presentations and not tell us he is going to use those random journals for the exams. Whoop-dee-do.

The taking of a part-time job, probably wasn't the wisest choice I made. Because of that, I saw how good people change for the worst. But in that process I did gain alot more from that loss.

Being desperate for attention and affection is no good? Yeah I would say it isn't. But I'll just wait for the time I can go I told you so. As of now, I'll be ignorant.

Ooo thats one more skill I acquired, to be ignorant. Opinions, no matter how right it is, is usually not welcomed. I learned this from church, from uni and from a select few of my "friends". People just don't want to hear that they have made a mistake. This thankfully, doesn't happen withing my close circle of friends.

There are good things happening as well though. A lot of it. Probably the reason why I can still smile at the end of it all.