Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gah! Lingam's case is on the frontpage, AGAIN!

Why can't he just own up to his mistakes just like Soi Lek did? Then there won't be any 'hoo-haa' about it all. Even if it did cause a commotion, it wouldn't be as much as it is now.Its putting whats left of Malaysia's name to shame.

But then again admitting to that case, would, in my opinion, not only cause him to go to jail but also brand the fourth Prime Minister as a "dirty fellow". That would shatter the dreams of "many" Malaysians.

Sadly, I don't see the end to this pointless case. Its like a game of never ending 'ping pong'.

Yesterday Vincent Tan and Ro. Lazar joined the blame game. And Anwar says there may be more videos to come.

What Lingam has said that it may look like him and sound like him but it isn't him. Then he said he was drunk. then he said he was bragging!? Make up your mind man.

Very soon a new mental illness would be named after him. The "Lingam" Syndrome.



Ithildin Galad said...

XD i like that

lingam syndrome.


unusual spark of semi-intelligent witticism from you.

lingam syndrome.


Anonymous said...

im getting bored og lingam's case...

Sypher said...

Ohhhhh!!!! A rare visitor!AVILA!!! How's work treating you?