Monday, June 25, 2007

On going down memory lane.
Well since I just turned 21 and I'm conforming to the picture blog thing and on somebody's request here is pictures of my evolution. Be ready to laugh your butt off....


One month old.....

Laughing yet? Ah! but there's more!

If you scroll/look down you get...

me at 6 months old.

Dying yet? Yes I looked better when I was younger, then I evolved...

It began at ..

4 years old

When I was 5

Now this post means something. Its taken with my late Grand-dad. I think the only role model my dad and I have in common.

This was taken so far back. When I was 6 I think. The one in front is my cousin that I haven't seen in so long. A teen already.

This was taken on my ninth birthday. WHAT WAS I DOING? or thinking for that matter.

Most probably wasn't thinking.

How I miss being this tall! I was a head taller than most of my classmates.

I was 11.

Now it hits. You know what.

13 years old

These guys were my best friends for a good part of my teenage life. Until I lost contact. If you guys happen to see this drop a msg.

15 years old - PMR

16 years of life. The last time I hung out with Ian and Josh.

Then I turned 17 and the rest I shall not enclose anymore.

Well thats all. Hope you guys are still alive from all that laughing. Its been a good 21 years. Very good indeed. The 2 people I have to thank....

Back when my dad still looked good (He was into the whole LALA thing. Bell Bottoms and tight shirts).. my mom still looks pretty much the same. Looks a little bit older maybe.

Well enjoy!

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